Chalk Marker FAQ

Chalk Marker FAQ

Chalk markers are perfect for all kinds of designs, arts and crafts, and other sorts of projects that require a bit of artistic expression.

But using a simple stick of sidewalk chalk is different from using a chalk marker – leaving some of us with a few questions. In this guide, we’ll be covering all of the questions or concerns you may have about using chalk markers on your chalkboard.

What are chalk markers used for?

Just like a stick of classic dry chalk, chalk markers are used to write on chalkboards. However, unlike dry chalk, a liquid chalk marker uses a liquid mixture that is dust-free and dries after being applied to a surface.

Chalk markers are used by artists, schools and teachers, businesses, and all kinds of other chalk craft enthusiasts – these markers have a strikingly smooth and vibrant stroke, which allows even those of us who aren’t artistically inclined to create visually appealing designs.

What surfaces do chalk markers work on?

Chalk markers are pretty much just chalk, but in liquid form – this means that they work on a variety of surfaces while also being easy to clean off. That being said, it’s best to use them for their intended purpose, which is drawing on a non-porous surface like chalkboard, plastic, glass, metal, ceramic or vinyl. Some chalkboard surfaces are even magnetic, depending on how much iron is used to manufacture them.

They can work on porous surfaces as well, but some of them will be much harder to clean off, making the use of chalk markers a bit questionable. Examples of porous surfaces include paper, concrete, wood, and certain kinds of textured slate chalkboards.

Can you use chalk markers on mirrors and glass?

Liquid chalk markers work great on glass, if you’re ever in the mood for drawing on your bathroom mirror. The only issue you may run into is streaks when trying to erase it, but enough water, soap, and elbow grease should do the trick and leave your mirror clean and shiny once again.

Can you use chalk markers on paper?

These kinds of markers work well on paper, but if it’s something like a thin canvas or a sketchpad it may soak through and stain whatever is underneath – including pages behind it on your desk or table. The only real issue aside from that is that a chalky marker can’t be erased from paper, so don’t use it on any paper surfaces you’d like clean in the future.

Can you use chalk markers on a dry erase board?

While dry erase markers may not work well on chalkboards, chalk markers can be used on dry erase boards. The reason they work is that dry erase boards are non-porous surfaces, which means chalk ink won’t seep into any pores on a whiteboard surface, and can easily be cleaned off just like a dry erase marker.

Is chalk marker erasable?

Chalk marker is easily erasable, if you use it on a porous chalkboard. We have an entire guide dedicated to some of the most common questions about chalkboards, but the basic idea is that a porous board is a smooth, uniform surface – and a non-porous chalkboard will have small pores that can create an uneven surface texture.

This means when you’re erasing marker from a board, it’s best if the surface is free from unwanted textures that trap ink within hard to reach crevices, leaving behind stains.

How do you get chalk marker off a chalkboard?

So, what actually gets chalk marker off? Luckily, it’s not as complicated as some make it out to be. In order to properly erase chalk markers off chalkboard, you’re going to want to follow these simple steps:

  • Clean off any debris: first, make sure your chosen chalkboard is free from dust, dirt, or debris that could stick around and make the cleaning process harder – use a dry cloth

  • Wipe the board down: using a bit of water and a damp cloth or paper towel, wipe the board down completely without soaking it too much

  • Start drawing: you’re now ready to get back to drawing, but make sure the board is dry first

  • Erase with Water: Once you are ready to erase your drawing, simply use a damp cloth with a little water to wipe the marks away. Chalk markers are wet-erase markers and come off clean with water. For any stubborn marks on the surface, try using a magic eraser with a little water.

Does chalk marker come out of clothes?

Chalk markers can easily stain fabric, and you’re going to want to avoid getting any on your clothes if possible. That said, if you do end up with a couple of stains, don’t stress – they can be removed. Similar to other kinds of stains, some of the most common solutions to removing chalk marker stains from clothes include:

  • Rubbing alcohol

  • Nail polish remover

  • Hairspray

In order to actually remove the stain, the best method is to soak your clothes in one of the above solutions for a few minutes, gently scrub them with said solution, and then toss them in a warm wash cycle with laundry detergent as soon as possible to prevent the stain from setting in.

Are chalk markers permanent?

Just like normal chalk, liquid chalk markers aren’t designed to be permanent. If used on a suitable surface like a non-porous chalkboard or glass, chalk markers are both easy to apply and clean off when you need to change things up. Keep in mind, however, that using a marker on some kinds of materials like paper or clothes could leave a permanent stain.

How long do chalk marker drawings last?

Chalk drawings can last quite a long time, depending on how you apply the chalk and seal it. Simple designs drawn on non-porous surfaces should last for weeks to months if left undisturbed. If you’re looking for a way to make a non-porous chalk drawing permanent, you’re going to want to apply a spray sealant – these are chemical solutions made from ingredients like polyurethane or acrylic.

Porous materials could be permanently stained from the first application of a chalk marker, so make sure you’re aware of what surfaces are porous and non-porous.

How long do chalk markers take to dry?

Chalk ink typically dries within a matter of seconds, unlike paint markers which could take a few minutes to set. This is due to the ingredients included such as calcium carbonate and calcium sulfate – chalk markers also have a relatively small amount of liquid in them.

Do chalk marker colors fade over time?

If applied to an indoor chalkboard, chalk markers are semi-permanent and won’t fade much over time or produce much chalk dust. However, if the chalkboard is outside or frequently bumped and moved around, some vibrant colors could fade over time.

How fast do chalk marker tips dry out?

Depending on the brand of chalk pens, some may dry out faster than others. The good news is, this is usually fixable. When it comes to our liquid chalk markers, the best way to fix a dried out marker tip is by removing it, running the tip under warm water for a few minutes, and then reinserting the tip back into the barrel of the marker.

Do you need to prime or "season" a chalk board before using chalk markers with it?

If the chalkboard surface is non porous, then there is no need to season the surface of the board. However, if the surface is porous, like. chalk painted surface, then we recommend seasoning the surface. In order to season the surface of the chalkboard, follow these steps:

1. Wipe off any dust with a paper towel.
2 Take a piece of stick chalk, and using its side rather than the tip, rub the entire surface in a vertical direction, ensuring the board is completely covered.
3. Repeat in a horizontal direction, also ensuring that the board is completely covered again.
4. Wipe off with a soft cloth, rag, or chalkboard eraser.
5. Blow off any dust.

Before using a chalkboard marker, it's best to prime them. All that really means is you need to first shake the marker for around 30 seconds with the cap on, before pumping the nib full of ink by firmly pressing the tip down on a surface until it fills with ink.

Once you've pumped the nib a few times, then your chalk marker should start to work normally, and you can go ahead and start painting!

Do we sell non toxic chalk markers?

At Loddie Doddie, we only sell non-toxic chalk markers that comply with ASTM International’s D4236 guidelines. These guidelines require the disclosure of hazardous materials or ingredients within art supplies including pigment based ink, none of which are included in our products.

Other brands may use toxic materials within their formulas, so make sure to always check if they’re committed to providing safe products by following the proper guidelines. Keep in mind, if you’re using chalk markers for something like decorating pumpkins, you should avoid eating any ink-covered bits.

How should chalk markers be stored?

The best way to store our liquid chalk markers when not in use is by capping them, and placing them upright instead of laying on their side horizontally. The cap is there to prevent the tips from drying out, and by storing them vertically you can avoid any unwanted ink leakage due to a pen laying on its side for too long.

Final thoughts

Learning a few simple tips and tricks to using your new markers is the best way to bring your chalk drawings to the next level – whether you’re trying to create professional-level chalk drawings or just mess around with a bit of liquid chalk art, knowing how to use your tools is essential. If you have more questions about our markers, make sure to check out the rest of our blog content.